Posted on: December 22, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

I have absolutely no clue where I got this zine from, but it is like the eighties series of books “Choose Your Own Adventure” in the sense that each piece leads to another piece. However, this zine has a killer twist : none of the pieces are related! Being put together by three different hucksters, the zined doesn’t suffer from any problems with the three distinct writing styles, but actually is the opposite, in that each of the three’s writing style benefits the other two. The beginning piece details a woman and her overly oppressive master, which leads off to a very interesting poem about taking care of the dead baby. Think about this : there are other pieces exactly like this, and the only thing that connects each of the piece is the extreme oddness of each. Aside from the names on the back cover, there is no form of contact information for this immensely odd yet pleasing zine. Aside from desiring some way to contact the creators of The blue book, I really wish that there was more art in this zine, as the first page has an excellent pen-drawing of a woman standing on a checkerboard floor with an 1800’s-style dress on, and the last page has a drawing related to the final short piece, a flower that is bleeding. The writing is sharp, and if I can find any sort of information about this zine, I would be more than happy to go and provide all my readers with the proper contact information, as this is a zine that doesn’t deserve to be forgotten in the mists of time.

Rating : 7.8/10

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