Posted on: January 22, 2008 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Eighty Six Magazine January 2006 / Free / :15 / 32M / /

It is typically the case that these free magazines have way too many advertisements and not enough in the way of hard-hitting journalistic pieces. Eighty Six magazine does have its fair share of ads, but does attempt to try to throw in a little journalism into the mix. For example, the interview with Gang Green is thought-out and actually informative for the readers that actually care about the act. The zine has a decidedly gothic flair to it, even if the subject material seems closer to the punk side of things. The gothic side is shown by the number of advertisements to gothic porn sites, as well as the pinup shots of Scar 13 that litter the middle section of the magazine. However, this juncture is not a reason that individuals should avoid getting copies of this magazine. Rather, the pieces, such as “True Tales of Bar Madness”, make this a worthy read. Bands do not have to be big to be covered in Eighty Six, as I would say that even the “supergroup” of Morrissey and Down By Law named Red Lightning has not made it big in America at least. In fact, this interview serves as a nice introduction to the band. Poetry is found in this magazine, one of the few nods to anything resembling the goth subculture. The amount of poetry in this issue is simply not enough to drag down the momentum that Eighty Six has created up to this point. Find a copy and grab it!

Rating: 6.2/10

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