Posted on: January 24, 2008 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

This is yet another zinester hailing from the Canton/Akron area, and again, I am surprised at the quality of this zine. Mind you, it is very short, sweet, and to the point (fourth size, 20 pages), but the mixture of artistic styles that she used to create this zine is simply amazing. From something like writing on her hand and taking a picture of it to doing the tried and true method of cut and pasting lines from a poetical thought on top of a piece of art, Kristi always maintains a total sense of randomness that really adds a lot to the enjoyment I gained from this magazine. For me, still one that gets confused easily at the extended metaphors often present in this style of the zine, I feel that I actually get one or two of the things that Kristi places out there for her audience. With no disrespect to the actual text of the zine, the text that Kristi places in the magazine really intermixes a lot with the visual aspect of the zine, making a whole new form of art from its constituent pieces. Truly a transcendent piece, even with its’ extremely short duration. I’m sure that all of the other projects that Kristi will involve herself in will hold themselves to the standard created by this zine, and probably go even farther into excellency. If you want a copy, e-mail [email protected] and see if she still has anything left.

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