Posted on: February 5, 2008 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Wonkavision #39 / $3.95 / 84M / 1:15 / /

It has been a while since we have had a chance to review Wonkavision Magazine. If I recall correctly, the last time we reviewed an issue of Wonkavision, NeuFutur thought the magazine lost its way. However, with #39, I personally feel that Wonkavision has created its strongest issue ever. Individuals that are fans of fiction or other non-music stories may disagree with me on that statement, for this issue is dedicated to primarily bands, with an explication of the indie ethos filling up the rest of the issue. This time, a large section of the magazine (we are talking around twenty pages here) is dedicated to bands that are either rising in popularity, trying to make a new direction in their career, or will be the next big things in 2008. More than that, there are a number of independent label advertisements that act in many ways as introducing even more acts to the average reader of Wonkavision. However, the discussion between Sean Agenw and Todd Patrick (“DIY Promoter Roundtable”) caught my attention the most. More than just regaling individuals with stories about shows, there are hints for the indie booker strewn throughout this piece. Finishing up this issue with Nathan Sawaya (a lego-brick artist) and a number of reviews, this is Wonkavision’s strongest issue to date. While this is off of shelves (since it is from Oct-Nov 2007), I have a good feeling about issues following #39. Check them out at your fine, local independent bookstore.

Rating: 8.5/10

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