Posted on: April 9, 2008 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Letter of Resignation #2 / Forth-Sized / 28 Pages / Kyle Folson, 301 Colonial Dr. #9, Ipswich, MA 01938 / [email protected] / 

This zine is the sometimes confusing diatribe about two people crossing the United States, starting from Massachusetts, going to New Mexico, California, and the like, and the experiences that they’ve had. The intensely personal beginning of the zine, discussing the desire to help the DIY ethos, moves seamlessly into a re-capturing of these events. While I understand the necessity to cover all the events of the trip in a brief enough period (in order not the have a 100+ page zine), I still feel as if Kyle leaves out some information that would better explain the situation. While the writing is strong, not bothering with much in the way of rhetorical flourish, the hand-written thoughts contained within reveal only the slightest amount of information into what could be a very interesting account. Along the way, we learn that Kyle and eir’s fellow journeyer were in a band at some point, and were able to procure the use of a car for a cross-country trip, instead of having to Greyhound for 60 hours. Aside from the greater detailed discussion of this cross-country sojourn, Kyle goes on a side-trip with the delights encountered in the creative process: “having cuts on your hands, pulling out pieces of plaster and having ink stained hands.. it feels so wonderful”. Overall, the zine is a pretty good description of an extended trip, even if it doesn’t go into detail about some of the more interesting aspects.

Rating: 5.9/10

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