Posted on: July 10, 2008 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Scheming Tekkies #3 / / [email protected] / 

This is a more typical style of perzine that I haven’t seen much of in the last few months. Specifically focusing on the love life of Emily, the zine starts off with a very interesting prose rambling about the earliest days of what I can only assume to be Emily’s life, in which ey is given a blanket to counter the desires to involve eirself with self-mutilation. The rest of the zine is pretty much an open letter to the various individuals that Emily has crushed on and in some cases dated. Emily is a very interesting writer, especially using Conor Oberst-style imagery and metaphors (this is an obvious influence, as ey mentions Desaparecidos and Conor a few times in just this zine). For example, in the earlier section of the zine, Emily talks about one of the exes, “all those beautiful people inhale chemicals”, a direct nod to Conor, who in “Lover I Don’t Have to Love” says “Where’s the kid with the chemicals? I thought he said to meet him here, but I’m not sure”. Scheming Tekkies doesn’t get anywhere new, but really is an interesting, highly emotional type of read that never gets stale, however many people write in the style or discuss virtually the same things. We are given some song lyrics to end the zine, specifically a Desaparecidos song in which Conor discusses America and being proud/not being proud of the heritage. Good zine, and I hope to see more copies of it.

Rating : 5.8/10

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