Posted on: August 11, 2008 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Slingshot #92 / Free / 16L / :30 / /

Slingshot is one of the longest-running anarchist-oriented zines out on the market (is Fifth Estate still being published?)/ This issue is free and beyond the great center-fold poster, provides leaders with information about the latest arrests made in the Earth First-realm of things. Also in this issue is a description of the current state of politics in Oaxaca, Mexico. As usual, there is information regarding the latest in movements and meetings, along with updates about infoshops all across the world. The only thing that I miss from previous issues of Slingshot is the inclusion of a Spanish-language page. This is most likely due to the lack of time by anyone fluent enough in Spanish to translate a lead story, but Slingshot’s quality does not decrease with the exclusion of this piece. An explanation of the current policies of the Midwest Womyn’s Music Festival (MWMF) which seems to have ignored the trans-ban that organizer Lisa Vogel originally placed on the concert’s attendance. The discussion that Slingshot has with former prisoner Rob Los Ricos (arrested for throwing a rock at a cop during a Eugene protest) is interesting and informative; there is just nothing here in this issue of Slingshot that feels weak. The re-readability of this zine is pretty high for the short length of Slingshot, but more so, individuals can just give the copy of this magazine to someone else just as soon as they get done with it. This would pass news faster than any website or diffuse-focused magazine could.

Rating: 7.6/10

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