Posted on: September 24, 2008 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

I picked up this magazine at the table at the 2002 UPC. I just realized that this zine is put out by Jamez Terry, the zinester also behind Sex, Death, and Ronald McDonald. All and all, this zine is septic while being personal, all computer laid out but still having some of the feel that the cut and paste zines have. Excerpts from journals mesh themselves with different poetry as a number of transgendered and differently gendered people have allowed Jamez to lay out their souls for all of the world to see. It really is an amazing trust in the readership of the magazine, as for many of them, any time they have opened up to the world, they have found a society that was totally unwilling to stand behind them, and in some cases, be openly hostile to them. I have seen on the zine lists that James has another issue out. I will contact Jamez after I review the other issues of his, and try to buy a few copies of any subsequent issues. I would say, that if someone is a member of a GLBTTSQQSAI group, that this magazine is simply one that the group should pick up. It goes beyond other glossy magazines in the sense that personalities are actually shown, as opposed to the vast majority of GLBT magazines, which are filled up with ads for more pleasurely devices. Email [email protected] for more contact information.

Rating : 7.0/10 .

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