Posted on: September 29, 2008 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Wow. This is by far the most informative zine I’ve ever read about tampons, and it is a eighth sized, 16 page read. So it is very short. The writers of this zine make sure to put the pros and cons associated with tampons, pads, and the natural and organic alternatives. This zine is incredibly short, but it contains such a wealth of information. While it does contain a lot of websites, I would venture to say that a great number of them have moved since the time this zine was created (if I’m not mistaken, this was picked up in 1999 by my girlfriend at a festival). The people that made this magazine had perfect poetic license to not bother while any aesthetic features, but they did, and it just makes the read all the more enjoyable, something that is sorely needed, as many of the zines that purely informational are really boring to read. The magazine has an email address at [email protected], but again I would remind you all that the email address is probably defunct. However, this is another zine that I would be more than happy to copy and to send anyone for just the cost of shipping, as this is a zine that I believe that all people, regardless of sex or age, should read.

Rating : 8.9/10 .

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