Posted on: December 12, 2009 Posted by: Jay NeuFutur Comments: 0

Sauza has been a major name in Tequila for a long period of tiem, but I believe that before today, I had never had a chance to check out the spirit until now. This tequila has been through two levels of distilling, ensuring for the smoothest possible experience. The Blanco is as clear as water, while the nose of the Blanco blends well the alcohol bite and familiar tequila body. When individuals get the chance to take down a shot, the first thing that they will experience is the utter smoothness of the Blanco.

The warmth comes soon after, with a deceptively high ease in which later shots in the line will provide. As stellar as it is as a shooting tequila, the Sauza Blanco does even better when it is put alongside other juices, flavorings, and the like. Try the Sauza in a marguerite, for example; it still sticks in my mind as one of the best drinks I’ve drank lately. However, go a little out of your comfort zone and throw the Sauza with some OJ and grenadine for a killer Tequila Sunrise, or pineapple and lime juices for a Matador.

The Sauza Blanco is one of the best Blancos that we have reviewed here at NeuFutur, and it is given even higher marks when one considers the fact that it is on the cheap side of things (under $20 for a 750ml bottle). If the Blanco varietal is not your thing, go for one of their other efforts – the Extra Gold and Commemorativo are great in-line, while Sauza controls both the Tres Generationes and Hornitos lines as well.

Rating: 8.5/10

Sauza Tequila (Blanco) / Tequila / 80 Proof /

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