Posted on: July 31, 2010 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

This may be the first split single that I’ve ever received. That’s right, Little Klimt (a singer-songwriter out of New York) and Chofferson (an artist out of Los Angeles) each contribute one song to this split, so to say that individuals may have a problem trying to get a genuine read on their styles is understating it. For Little Kilmt’s track, one can hear the confines of a garage as the only things really present to back up Sady’s vocals on the track are the arrangements of the synthesizer. What results is a very calm and soothing brand of indie music that should really transfer itself well to a longer album (either an EP or LP), with the instrumentation creating a timeless quality to the track that individuals should find compelling.

The lightly-sung vocals of Sady work well in really tying themselves to the instrumentation, but there is quickly added to the mix a third force present during “Candy Kills”. The production values are done in such a way that empty space actually does a lot to give the track a distinct sound. The noise is similar but is not exactly the sound created by record fuzz, but it closes things around Sady and eir synthesizer as tight as a blanket on a cold night. Chofferson differentiate themselves from Little Klimt in many ways with “Re Infecta”, but the use of ambient noise as a major factor during their track is not one of them. The same sort of record sound is present, but Chofferson goes one step closer and uses something that sounds like a train to begin the track.

Alongside the train noise comes a section of crying before a very deliberate brand of synthesizer playing takes the stage. This role is not static, however as it struggles alongside a slew of different ambient, disconnected quotes that float around the track like so many apparitions. These various quotes act in both an instrumental and lyrical sense for the track. What would normally be a very static style is mixed up with the inclusion of these quotes and a whole scale shift in the general sound of Chofferson for the second half of the track. The disc is interesting and great in introducing two new acts to individuals, but here’s to hoping the next time the bands try to do a split there is more than one song a piece for each band.

Top Track: Little Klimt “Candy Kills”

Rating: 5.2/10

Little Klimt and Chofferson – Split / 2006 Batterface / 2 Tracks / / [email protected] / Reviewed 04 March 2006


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