Posted on: November 27, 2010 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

GOBBLE GOBBLE is the hyperactive bedroom pop project of San Francisco via Canada noise nomad Cecil Frena. Frena screamed and played guitar in Canadian hardcore bands for years until a fateful summer tour in which he blew out his throat, at which point pop music became a more appealing proposition.

The results are unorthodox to say the least: stuttering, blown-out and chopped guitar peals, erratic, bubbling synth arpeggios, and bursts of meticulously processed digital noise abound, all these boisterous bits held in place by the steady pulse of grooves that would otherwise sound at home on a European minimal techno 12″.

Live, the bedroom is transmogrified into bizarro stadium. Frena has assembled a crack team of tutu-garbed gobblins who bash away on pots and pans, smash shovels together, percuss on hockey helmets and generally get a party started unlike any other. The band is at the tail end of what they have dubbed their “Mobile Rave Infinitour”: a marathon tour lasting nearly six months, in which they bring their own PA system to unconventional spaces, kitchens and basements all across North America.

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