Posted on: November 23, 2010 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

“60%” is a nice opening for Nofx, a song that is still smirky while being pointed and fun; this trilogy of distinct style is something that has fueled Nofx for years and even fuels them now. “Leaving Jesusland” shows Nofx at an interesting point, with a stripped-down style that only comes out of its shell during the chorus.

The vitriol present during this track is something that is not heard quite as often in Nofx’s music, but seems to come out more and more with each subsequent year of the Bush regime. This does not diminish their music in any way, but really adds a fury to it that was also present during the high years of Reagan and the effect they had on the Dead Kennedy’s music. “Cool and Unusual Punishment” is the next high point for Nofx on “Wolves in Wolves Clothing”. While the subject matter is much less political than anything else on this track, the diversity that the band shows in the track (the different styles that dominate during this track, as the band goes from fast to slow and back again) is something that will keep individuals listening in. The only thing that can be seen as a weakness during “Wolves in Wolves Clothing” has to be the fact that there are a few songs on the album that are extraneous. This means that not every song on the disc is a tour de force.

However, individuals need to keep listening in, even if it is just for “One Celled Creature”. During “One Celled Creature”, a much harder Nofx takes the stage, and in the space of only two minutes bring individuals into an entirely new domain. Keep listening after the reprise of “60%” for an acoustic track that will hit listeners hard, even if it is not quite as punchy or as clean as the rest of the songs on the disc. “Doornails” is a song about drugs, and while this does not seem to be along the same musical vein of Fifteen’s “Punk Rock Wonderland”, it has much of the same message. Nofx come onto “Wolves in Wolves Clothing” with a big order: top “The War on Error-ism”. By and large, they have accomplished that with this album, and have hit a few new styles in the process. Nofx is one of the few bands that have been around for such a long time and can conceivably try new things at this point of their development.

Top Tracks: One Celled Creature, Doornails

Rating: 6.4/10

Nofx – Wolves in Wolves Clothing / 2006 Fat Wreck / 18 Tracks / / / Reviewed 28 April 2006


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