Posted on: June 13, 2011 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Individuals are very apt to believe that there is little that can typically go wrong or differ between the different types of medicine balls. However, there are quite a few ways in which quality can vary. For example, the rubber outer shell can begin to split or leave residue on an individual’s hands. We received a 10 pound medicine ball for review from fitness company Valeo, and after a few months with it in our care, we are sure that it is the best one we have used. The grip on the ball was substantive enough that it ensured that, even after a heavy workout, the ball did not and would not slip.

The smell issue described above was no source of problem, while the grip and overall rubber coating did not begin to wear over the course of months. It bears repeating that individuals should not throw around a medicine ball in an obnoxious fashion – given the same sort of care that individuals have for their workout bench, barbells, or the like, there is no reason why the Valeo Medicine Ball should not last for twenty or thirty years. If you would like a way to increase your stability, arm strength, and even core strength, look into the range of weights that are available in the Valeo Medicine Ball line.

Rating: 8.0/10

Valeo Medicine Ball /

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