Posted on: July 20, 2011 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

There are a number of vodkas on the market, and it becomes hard at a point to come forth with one that actually shines among the rest of the chaff. U’luvka Vodka is one of the few that will immediately have people take notice – the unique shape of the bottle will be what first brings fans in. The kink on the neck of the bottle showcases how U’luvka differs from the rest of the spirits that are currently on the market.

The $60 price tag on the U’luvka may be higher than all but the most exclusive vodkas, but I believe that it has a taste that cannot be compared. Aside from the warmth that is imparted with each sip, there is a complexity to U’luvka that is unparalleled. Different facets of U’luvka come through with each sip; what is common and omnipresent during one go with the vodka will simply not be present in a second or third try.

This is due to the distinct flavor profile, which links together grain, vanilla, and even a little bit of a citrus bite. The spirit would do perfectly in a shot or on the rocks, but I feel that one can make a world-class cocktail with U’luvka and a fresh-pressed juice. The burn and any residual flavors that may be present disappear after a second, leaving only a proper glow that will continue through the night. If you would like to taste a vodka that provides a distinct alternative from any other effort on the market, give U’luvka a try. I believe that there is enough versatility present in this vodka that will ensure that imbibers will easily drain a bottle the first or second time out.

Rating: 8.2/10

U’luvka Vodka / Vodka /

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