Posted on: September 14, 2011 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 1

I am not the biggest fan of a number of the different types of trail mixes that are available for purchase. I feel that it typically is a way for individuals to get by with the cheapest possible formulations. However, I feel that Aurora Products is a company that tries to make the best possible mixes, and nowhere is this found as well as in their Crunchy Asian product. We received a few packages of their Crunchy Asian mix, and were done with them in the course of about two weeks.

The blend ties together nuts like the cashew and almond along with wasabi peas and Tamari almonds. The wasabi actually tastes like wasabi, rather than just being a hotter flavoring. Where there is some crossing over between the different flavors on the mix, I feel that this just further varies the experience that one will have with it. The different side of things – whether nutty or crunchy – keeps this experience completely different, while the salt counteracts the heat in many ways.

The mix is able to keep its crunchiness even after being opened, which immediately rockets it past chips and other snacks on the market. If you are tired of the same sorts of snacks that have been on the market, go out and search out Aurora Products’ offerings. You will have some of the best munchies that you have ever had, at a price that is extremely approachable and significantly different flavor profiles each time one buys a new package.

Rating: 9.3/10

Aurora Natural Crunchy Asian / Aurora Products /

1 people reacted on this

  1. where can I buy the Asian mix. I live in Jefferson Valley, NY 10535 I bought this in the Casino and really love this mix but don’t know where to find them near my home

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