Posted on: September 2, 2011 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Beta Maxx represents the perfect sort of supplement for those individuals that have recently cycled off of Creatine, or who wish to increase their workout intensity or weights used. By using Beta-Alanine (and the NRG-X Beta Maxx) in particular, individuals can expect more lean muscle mass growth and decreased recovery time. Beta-Alanine works to increase the amount of Carnosine that is present in one’s body. Beta Maxx is a better product than a great deal of Creatine-containing supplements in that it can be used over a much longer period than Creatine without losing any sort of benefits.

The additional energy that is presented in the Beta Maxx will allow one to hit up the gyms more often for longer periods of times – it may just be the one thing that constantly and continually vanquishes DOMS before they can start. With 80 servings per container at a $25 price point, there is no reason that someone that is concerned about their workout should not look into purchasing a bottle. NRG-X Labs claims that there are additional benefits to be had when one puts the Beta Maxx into a stack with their CEE 3000, but we were unable to test that in this review.

If Beta Maxx sounds like a product that you would like to use, by all means check out any one of the biggest supplement retailers and you’ll find NRG-X products there. Man, woman, young, and old – there are serious gains that one can get from using Beta Maxx, and anyone that is looking to take on new gains, strengths, and push out that one extra rep should seriously consider adding this supplement to their workout routine.

Rating: 8.5/10

NRG-X Labs Beta Maxx (Beta-Alanine) / NRG-X Labs /

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