Posted on: September 19, 2011 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

There is no reason why this DVD set should not be picked up for anyone that loves cinema or sci-fi movies specifically. This is due to the fact that this collection contains 50 different movies that range the gamut from fairly large-budget all the way down to slightly larger than independent movies. More impressive than the levels of films that are present on this set would have to be the different eras that are contained here.

While there are fairly new films present (Alien Prey), Mill Creek has presented classic cinema like 1959’s The Bat. Other films that are present on Sci-Fi Invasion include Extraterrestrial Visitors, The Giant of Metropolis, Horror High, Robo Vampire, Slipstream and Star Pilot. I was a fan of Welcome To Blood City, a 1977 film that has the cast end up as slaves, ensure of where they are at (or when they are at); how things resolve themselves is surely the stuff of legend. Another strong movie has to be It’s Alive, a 1974 horror that will ratchet up the suspense level dramatically as things rapidly wind to a close.

The DVD set is packaged in a case that makes it easy to rapidly return them; the price of the set (MSRP of $30, Amazon of about $20) should make this a must buy type of purchase. While it is true that the quality of the films varies based on what Mill Creek was originally provided, I feel that all of these flciks can be enjoyed without the video or audio getting in the way in the slightest. Make sure to purchase this DVD set and give Mill Creek a reason to continually release these huge types of sets.

Rating: 9.0/10

Sci-Fi Invasion (DVD Set) / 2011 Mill Creek / 3600 Minutes /

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