Posted on: April 20, 2012 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

1616: The World in Motion (Book) / Thomas Christensen /  2012 Counterpoint Press / 384 Pages / /

I believe the average American has little idea what was happening on the world stage 150 years before the United States became a country. Thomas Christensen looks to rectify this lack of knowledge with eir new book, 1616: The World in Motion. This title goes into exhaustive detail about the different wars, political intrigue, illnesses, and cultural contributions that occurred during the titular year. No stone is left unturned under Christensen’s masterful eye, ensuring that hard data is placed alongside narratives and second-hand stories.

1616: The World in Motion benefits from considerable citations; I feel that one could spend a lifetime examining the different works, articles, and books that were tapped by Christensen for information. While it would be nigh impossible to discuss matters on a year by year basis, I believe that Christensen could pick a variety of years out of a hat – 1753, 1892, or even 1545 – and make a thrilling story out of it. In a period where individuals just get soundbites and short Wikipedia articles about events and individuals, I feel that this systemic look at the world at a point in time is much needed. The events themselves are the attraction – why would one need to read a fictional title when real life was so much more compelling?

1616: The World in Motion is a title that anyone that is a fan of history can sink their teeth into; Thomas Christensen has placed eirself in the same breath as Herodotus or Doris Kerns Goodwin. Make sure to pick up a book from your local bookstore or a variety of online retailers (some have the title for $23, even) today.

Rating: 8.3/10

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