Posted on: January 15, 2023 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Chlamydia is a very common sexually transmitted disease (STD). In most cases, what is peculiar is that it does not show any symptoms, making it extremely tough to detect. It is transmutable from mother to kids, which makes it a highly infectious STD as well. In some cases, you may be able to note that some symptoms gradually appear after a few weeks. These can include vaginal discharge and inflammation around the vagina. You are especially at high risk if you frequently change sex partners, making you more prone to catching this disease. The disease may also spread when you just have some oral sex. If you are worried, you can take an at home std test Chlamydia kit to make sure that you are able to detect the infection early and take preventive measures to curb its growth.

These kits that you use at home are very user-friendly and are very light too. You can even keep them in your purse and carry them with you everywhere, and easily test your partners or yourself anywhere. This gives you the privacy you deserve when you want to test yourself.

How to use the Chlamydia kit?

This is a very common question that you all have in mind, but different Chlamydia test kits are to be used in different ways. The best way to go about it is by going through the instructions that come with the kit to make sure that you can have accurate results. The instructional insert that comes with the kits should be adhered to at all times. Only by following the prescribed instructions will you get the accurate results that you want. If you do not follow the steps correctly or in the correct sequence, you risk doing the test wrongly and the results might not be accurate. You should always strive to read the instructional inserts once or twice to fully comprehend what is required of you before even attempting to start the home test. This test should preferably be done in a quiet corner of the home or even in your own room on a clear desk that is free from clutter to ensure you focus and do it properly.

What is the accuracy of the test?

This is another common question that we are often asked. How accurate the test is also sometimes determined by how you did the test. But assuming you have followed the test as per the given instructional inserts, you can be assured of a high degree of accuracy. The best in class kits offer you a high accuracy of more than 95%, even up to 99%. If the Chlamydia bacteria have sufficiently multiplied to a detectable level in your body, the test would definitely avail you to an accurate result. It is noted that if you are test positive, you must as a responsible individual, stop all risky sexual behavior. Thereafter, you are advised to do further confirmatory testing with a licensed medical practitioner to ascertain if you do indeed have chlamydia.

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