Posted on: September 9, 2018 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

The attainable and realistic goal for assisted living is to aid you or loved ones in remaining in one’s own home for as long as possible. This is possible through ensuring that the support needed to do that is available and the service being delivered is constant and to high standards.


In order to do this, it means assisted living providers must get to know their client and be clear on what’s important so you or loved ones can continue living the life desired and needed for a healthy and happy life. You want to feel cared for, not caged in. That’s why it’s important to consider the following points when seeking assisted living “life” partners, which will help you or loved ones continue to feel liberated, living the life you want and deserve.


What to look for in an assisted living “life” partner


The right plan for you


Seek personalised, easily adaptable and affordable options with plans tailored for you or your loved one. Life changes daily so a plan that will enable you to review it when necessary and often at short notice will make for a less stressful partnership and a more rewarding, long lasting one.


You’re seeking assistance – but you want control of those aids


Look for choice over the level of control and responsibility for care and support services. One size does not fit all. What’s right for one person is not necessarily right for you. Your needs are going to alter over time and you need to ensure you have control over what aids you are able to receive and are entitled to.


The hired help


Want friendly, helpful and dedicated community care (see link) employees at your beck and call? So you should, and with attainable access to scheduling teams for any changes you need made. This should be offered seven days a week! A dedicated care coordinator is also necessary that you can rely upon and trust. Your care person needs to become a welcomed part of your furniture – and that requires your provider delivering high quality, friendly services to you, at your discretion.


Social offerings


Wellbeing programs are offered by various high quality, assisted living partners and range from healthy ageing and wellbeing programs such as art classes, pet therapy, social cooking classes and memory groups. Recreational activities via assisted living services provides you or your loved ones with opportunities for socialisation, creative countenance and companionship.


This is so important, as it helps one maintain individual character or personality. From day trips, volunteer visits, happy hour, concerts, morning teas and other celebrations and festivities, assisted living partners should offer a broad range of regular, active lifestyle and recreational programs to ensure clients feel included in their community.

Assisted living programs and care support should also help clients find practical solutions to help staying in touch and being connected with family, friends, one’s individual interests and the community as a whole. Being socially interactive breeds confidence and is so good for the mind, body and soul.


Quick checkpoints


When comparing providers, cross check:


Fees: how much does the provider charge for administration and case management fees. These can often differ and depends on hourly rates for personal care aid, cleaning, allied health visits/checks, percentage of government subsidy available for clients to spend and it’s also beneficial to ask for an example or copy of a monthly statement so you can clearly gauge how clear costs are itemised.


Staff: clarify whether service providers employ their own staff or use temping staff; also ascertain the level of training their care coordinators possess (some have degrees, others might have minimal training or certificates in specialty needs);


Communication and visitation: how often do care coordinators visit and speak with clients; how regularly are care plans reviewed; how do service providers ensure you will get consistent care workers.

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