Posted on: September 16, 2018 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Hard work always needs to be complemented with something enjoyable! Like throwing a party over evening tea or dinner and relax completely in the company of your friends.  Many people would want to host a weekend or month-end party. But they cancel out most of the times, thinking that it’s going to be one costly affair.  Though it’s true that a party does involve expenses, but you can always have a smart way to work around it. You can still work it out according to your budget.


Do you want to plan your next party within your budget? Do you want to prepare it for less and add to your savings? If yes, here are six useful ways to go about it.


  1. Start with creating a budget list and search for alternatives

If you want to spend judiciously and save on your party scene, then make sure you first create a budget list. Here you can write down all the possible expenses, from the main course food to dessert and other requirements. Check the items that come within your budget and seek alternatives. For instance, if gelatos and cupcakes are costly, you can replace both with a homemade ice-cream cake. This way you don’t have to cut corners, and yet you can have a wholesome party. You can contact for more party ideas.


  1. Co-host with your friend

It is one of the smartest ways to save on your party expense! If you have a friend group, chances are other people have been willing to throw a party as well. It could be a pending birthday lunch or an early anniversary dinner. You could work around this and co-host a party. That way, you and your friend can celebrate your particular occasions and can arrange a party within your budget. When two or more people pitch in, there’s more capital, and there are more ideas to count on. Perhaps, you could rent a garden space or a banquet hall for the party which otherwise wasn’t possible because of the budget.


  1. Semi-Pot luck helps

When you are the host, you certainly can’t be using the idea of a pot-luck to get your food arranged! However, if you’ve exhausted both your thoughts and dollars, you can use a little bit of the pot-luck idea to add to your savings. For example, if you aren’t sure of the dessert or don’t have enough money for it, you can ask your friends to do a potluck on the dessert bit. Add in an exciting twist by letting people bring their favourite dessert picks, and you will have an assorted fare ready.


  1. Opt-in for a brunch party

So, it’s the end of the month, and you have to throw a party as discussed. You have limited means. The best way to make the most of your budget at hand is to throw a brunch party. It is because when it comes to the platter, you will save a lot. Ingredients like eggs, bread, sausage, vegetable, corn, plain cakes, tea and fruits come much cheaper than what goes into creating a complete platter.


Want your brunch to look lavish? Consider serving strata, i.e. an egg casserole in many layers. With this simple dish, you can add in other ingredients like chopped chicken and bread loaf. It will make up for a wholesome mean within your budget.


  1. Concentrate on one primary food platter

Most people think that a party means unending dishes and fares! And most people buy in this practice and end up toiling endlessly in the kitchen and spending more than they can afford. And by the time the guests leave, there’s a whole lot of food wasted. It is where you can think a little smart and look for ways to save money and keep your guests happy as well. Why not concentrate on having one single meal or platter option? For example, white not have pasta in one sauce or pizza and patties only. This way you can save on your food bill. Additionally, you can replace ordering soft drinks and uncork the bottle of sparkling red wine that you got as a gift.


  1. Organize a buffet

Buffets are easy, enjoyable and fun. Think of a list of four to five main platters and arrange the same on the buffet table. You can order it as per the count of people arriving. A buffet is one of the best ways to eat light and healthy. Usually, people in a buffet party eat less because they are also busy chatting. Most people try small portions from each item. You can use this to your advantage by arranging the food items.


There are many ways you can arrange a party for less are many! But for starters, you can use the six tips discussed above to add to your savings in the next party that you host. Also, you can customise these tips based on your taste and requirements.

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