Kelly Osbourne is Not My Savior by JMcQ.

Kelly Osbourne is not the savior of mankind. She is just as perfected and glosses-over as every single other "individual" in pop culture today. Just because she might be dressing "gothy" does not mean that she will usher in a whole new era of "good music and clothing". She is just the figurehead in a carefully constructed campaign to just draw more lemming-like teenagers into paying for overpriced clothing and music. Just thing about how the world was formally introduced to Kelly Osbourne : it was on the reality show tailored for that segment of society who was not tapped at that time. And, to no one's surprise, the gambit worked.

The lemmings, those preps of a different strain, immediately started following her into any forum, including her own "style" of clothing and her short music career. These people would be the type that would isolate themselves from all other cliques at high school and create a hierarchy of fashion in which the latest from Hot Topic would be the most high of all types. When Kelly hit, the various media moguls were just filling a niche that has been previously filled by groups as Linkin Park, Orgy, Marilyn Manson, and television shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the like.

Come on folks, use your brains about this topic. The so-called "Return of the Rock" is just another subversive drug pushed to the suburban youth, and as such, has no intrinsic value. Kelly Osbourne, The Vines, Hives, White Stripes, and the like are just pawns being used to capture the minds of today's youth and act as vacuums sucking up any extra money from suburbia. With this, I am not specifically endorsing any specific bands or type of music over any others, but people just have to realize most of all that what they are listening to are most definitely not innovative in any way, shape or form.

And for those of you who think that the problem of lemming-like follows are just limited to High School setting, you are completely wrong. I am a sophomore at DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana and these forms of elitism are just as, if not more prevalent in this setting than in High School. Groups are even more compartmentalized than in High School due to identify groups and Greek organizations, and as such, the hierarchy is only more visible than in the High School setting. Apparently, I am not immune from this identification, as I have been told a number of times that I hang out almost exclusively with the GLBT individuals on campus.

The only conceivable problem one could have with this identification is if they only tend to associate with the group or groups instead of making a concerted effort to associate with other individuals in different groups. Try to talk to people that you may not think would be cool, due to the clothes they wear or even the politics that they hold, as there are some cool people in every clique and club you could ever think of. Its about time that people tried to be friends with people outside there clique. The tired old axiom of "Keep it in your clique, fuck the outside" is something that needs to be discarded for an axiom that holds friendship as the greatest good.

I'll talk to anyone, just add me on AIM (EnderJam), ICQ (4083257) or e-mail me at [email protected] to find a new friend. Just make sure before you talk to me, you do one thing the day of : go up to someone that you haven't talked to before, or don't know well, and introduce yourself to them. I'm sure you will be pleased with the results.

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