Hypocritical Individuals (JMcQ) [La Lucha]
I was walking around campus the other day, and I kept seeing signs that were decidedly anti-Greek, proclaiming that all Greek-oriented people were sheep, and in general, that Greek Life at DePauw was a cult. I'm pretty sure I know the people involved in this "information" dissemination, and I just have one question to pose of you : Why don't you expend your energies on something that would do good to the entire society, instead of staying in the DePauw bubble and just harping over something that just does not matter.

Many people at DePauw just seem to enamoured with personal comfort to do anything that is beneficial to people in the community or anyone else besides themselves. Come on, take your heads out of your fucking asses and actually do something with your lives instead of complaining. Write for independent publications, go to local meetings, do something, just don't moan about things that are not important in the least. In fact, by alienating this specific group of people, you are in fact perpetuating some of the same discriminatory practices that you wish to stop.

Some people in the groups that you all continually lambaste are those who would be the most effective of workers for different movements if you hadn't scared them away. At DePauw, the Greek scene is filled with those individuals who have noticed the hypocritical policies of some of those most visible liberals on campus, and just get tired of continually being dumped upon about some decision that they made back in their freshman year. Honestly, being Greek has nothing to do with a political affiliation, sexual preference, or any of that. Greek-identified people are not those you should be after.

By going about and dictating a certain group of people bad, and enacting various poster campaigns against them, you are delegitimating any movement that you may identify yourself as being a member of. Bashing Greeks at DePauw is no different than not letting men into a feminist meeting or writing a piece against rich people just because they are rich. It's just stupid, and I just sincerely hope that the individuals concerned with this latest display of individual DePauw ignorance will notice some of the points I am making and take it to their hearts. Remember folks, writing "Greeks are sheep" and plastering copies of that all over campus is really no different than writing "Etter sucks" on anything that one can.

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