Posted on: January 28, 2014 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0


The hop flavor is very light on the palette, while the slight sweetness of the beer plays nicely. The Hundred Yard Ale is something that provides hints of spring even as the temperatures stay cold. While the beer is fueled through a decent dollop of alcohol (6.8%), the overall tenor of the beer is such that one will be able to polish off a Hundred Yard Dash easily. The beer yields different twists and turns with each subsequent sip, ensuring that imbibers will continually find something new that they can appreciate. I feel that the IPA style has been a little wonky with companies attempting to out-bitter their beers; Brau Brothers have decided to go in a bold new direction. As a result, they craft a beer in Hundred Yard Dash that is eminently drinkable and memorable. The crispness of the Hundred Yard Dash will invite in fans of bubblier efforts, while the hop backbone will get those beer aficiandos (of any sort) frothy.

Visit the Brau Brothers website for more information about the Hundred Yard Dash as well as their other offerings. If you find yourself in the Lucan, MN area (SW corner of the state), make sure to take a sojourn to their brewery.

Rating: 8.3/10

Hundred Yard Dash Fresh Hop Ale / Brau Brothers Brewing Company / 6.8% ABV /

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