Posted on: August 15, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Anywhere In Between / $2 / 28M / Vermicious Knid, 108 Route 30, Newfane VT 05345 /

V.K. is one of my best friends, even though I never talk to eir. I was quite happy when I saw this new zine by eir, “Anywhere in Between”. This is a poetry zine, and the poems in this issue all gravitate towards the discussion of a far-away love. While there are different titles for each poem, it seems as if they could all be agglomerated into something larger, a twenty-eight page poem as it were. Now, I typically do not like poetry zines but this one works because the poems are real, written from the heart, and discuss matters that a large segment of the population have dealt with. This is quite unlike poetry zines that tend to go and try to put on airs and generally seem detached from the average human. This zine has a high re-readability quotient due to the generality of the experiences described in the poems inside. The font may never change and the layout only varies on the front cover, but the emotion and honestly shines through the non-descript font and the wide open white spaces present on each page. VK has made a poetry book for the masses, and while these masses will likely never see this zine, one can only hope that individuals will stumble upon “Anywhere In Between” in the future.  For fans of poetry, of honest writing, and for zines that will stand the test of time, no matter whenever they are written. Pick this zine up, if at all possible.

Rating: 7.1/10

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