Posted on: August 18, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Conducted by JMcQ

1. Who are the members of the band and what do they play?

Charles-Bass, Mike-Guitar/Lead Vox, Matt- Drums, Tony-Guitars

2. How old are each of you?

Charles-15, Mike-17, Matt-17, Tony-16

4. In your opinions what genre of music are you?

Melodic Punk Emo Crap- We actually are BSB meeting Motorhead.

5. In which city are you currently residing?

Garretsville, Ohio

6. What label are you on currently, and which labels have you been on?

Dude… we are unsigned.

7. Have any of you played in another band?

SOH and 10 minute Hate, but 10 minute Hate wasn’t serious

8. Are you all in the process of recording an album or touring?

We are recording an album, but for now we only have a 4 song demo called “Keep your pants on”, which can be bought through you, or through us at The Interns, C/O Matt Nelson, 7024 Hankee Rd., Garrettsville OH 44231. We have also been on a few compilations, and we are looking for bands for a self-released comp.

9. What is your favorite touring experience?

Coming to Lancaster. Or the ARA Benefit with DCRC. Or being kicked out of restaurants in different towns.

10. Which bands have you toured with?

$parechange, Yellow Snowmen, Explosive, Barefoot, Anti Flag, and the Ataris

11. What are each of your favourite bands?

Matt-Anti Flag, Loose Nuts, Musturd Plug. Charles-H20, Blink 182, Godsmack. Tony-Descendants, Iron Maiden, Deftones. Mike-Less then Jake, Vandals, Blink 182

12. What was the last album each of your bought?

Matt-Frenzal Rhomb-A Mans not a camel. Tony-$parechange “Has sincerity went out of style?” Charles-Blink-Enema of the State Mike- Vandals-Quickening

13. What is the weirdest sex dream have each of you had?

Charles- A nun, a midget on a tricycle, and my grandma driving in a car giving me the finger. Then I met a girl at porta potty at Warped Tour Tony-Me, Betty, Wilma, and John from the Yellow Snowmen .

14. Which independent label do you think helps the bands in their roster the most?
Drive Thru Records

15. Which zine is your favorite?

Celebrity Skin (Its the Only magazine that has pictures of the Olsen twins nude!)

16. Where can people contact the band at?

[email protected]

17. What places do each of you work in your spare time?

Pizza Place, Under a table at a Bar

18. For all of our readers, are any of you single?

All of us.

19. Are you sXe or normal people?

Kinda sXe, but we are just stupid white kids with good morals

20. In your concerts, which songs by which bands do you cover?

Screeching Weasel, Run-DMC, Vanilla Ice

21. If you had the chance, would you sign on to a major label, or stay independent?


22. Which Sesame Street character is the best looking?


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