Posted on: November 22, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

The album has 10 songs, and was released in 1999. It cost me nothing. From down in Dayton, 12 tribes kick some serious ass with their unique style of hardcore/metal punk. Screaming seems to mix with good guitar playing and lots of high hat hitting drums. What is really frightening are the lyrics, ranging from love to rejection to nothingness. By far, the best party of 12T is the killer guitar playing on the disc. All of the styles amazingly do not clash and make for a totally amazing listening experience. If you like any music that involves guitar playing the disc is definitely for you. All of the so called metal and hc bands like Pawn, Abacus, 7th Day couldn’t hold a candle to this magnificent band. Another band that seriously has the talent to go somewhere, but will depend on luck . Pick this up if you can since you will be blown away. All the guitar riffs aren’t redundant.


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