Posted on: June 29, 2008 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

I think, out of all the flavored alcohols that we have had a chance to drink, that Cruzan Guava Rum is the only one that has a fruit flavor with which I’ve not previously had the fruit of. Regardless, the Guava Rum is by far the best flavored high-alcoholic product that we have had the chance to review. Where the previous flavored rums that we have reviewed – the Black Cherry and Raspberry – have placed a heavier fruit flavor on the rum base, the Guava Rum lightens the flavor of the rum while imbuing on it an airy, tropical type of flavor. Despite the fact that the Guava Rum is around five times as strong as fruit flavored alcoholic beverages, I could conceivably see individuals sipping at a glass of Cruzan Guava Rum the same way that they would if they had an alcopop.

The price of a 750 ml bottle of the Guava Rum (sneaking in at under $12) is at a level that individuals, if they are fans of any type of fruit-flavored rum, should take advantage of. If individuals have been avoiding flavored alcohols due to some perceived “weakness” or feeling that the fruit flavor would overpower the underlying alcohol, the Cruzan Guava Rum would be the perfect alcohol to get individuals hooked. Before having a chance to review some of the Cruzan products, the last time that I had a flavored type of alcohol had been quite a few years back, and it had turned me off from flavored alcohols for a number of years. Cruzan Guava Rum is the flavored alcohol that will bring me back to considering the purchase of flavored alcohols the next time that I make it out to the liquor store. Give the straight alcohol a spin, then make up a Cruzan Coral Reef – where you would throw in one part Cruzan Guava and Cruzan Coconut rums into 2 parts of pink grapefruit juice. You’ll be in fruity, alcohol-drenched heaven.

Rating: 9.5/10

Cruzan Guava Rum / 2008 Cruzan / 55 Proof / /

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