Posted on: June 28, 2008 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Mike states, “I always try to save and answer every email I get as a band member. Eventually I began to see that I could just post the answers in an advice blog or column, and well, ask the dude was born.”

A little fun, and mostly serious, Mike draws on his thirteen years of touring, recording, (plus a little known degree in Social Work from George Mason University), to answer all those burning questions out there. “Let’s face it, after all these years: I’ve probably made all the mistakes for you.”

Below is an excerpt from the post, Stay At Home Face Melter:

…Being in a band at home is actually harder then most people think. I have a bunch of friends who are in bands but also have other “careers.” It’s funny because when I was a kid I just thought it was all or nothing, like rock star or bust! You were either in a touring band or your band didn’t matter. Now that I have been slugging it out for this long I can tell you there are many ways of rocking in life, not just the full tilt rock star touring action. So you’re not in a touring band but you want to get your music distributed on a national level with out touring. Can it be done and if so how?…

DARKEST HOUR will be touring across the U.S. as main support to At The Gates this July. They will be heading back into the studio to record their sixth album this fall.

Mike Schleibaum of DARKEST HOUR has launched a new online advice column, called

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