International English Distillers have such a hit on their hands with O2 sparkling vodka that individuals over on this side of the pond – most notably Dr. Dre – have cribbed the idea into their own brands of sparkling vodka. However, O2 has stepped their game up from their first offering. The O2 945 offering is 94 proof but feels as smooth going down as any other super-premium, 80 proof vodka. There is a distinctive taste to the 945 Vodka that is present when one takes a shot of it that mutes itself when it is introduced to a mixed drink. Whether it is a screwdriver, martini, or any other type of flavored concoction, the O2 945 Vodka performs admirably, giving the perfect punch to whatever is ultimately made.
The mild carbonation that is present in the O2 945 Vodka is something that will lend a completely new experience to drinking, regardless of how long one has been around either casual or more serious levels. When I said in the original review of O2 Sparkling Vodka that it surpasses Grey Goose, I would have to say the same about the 945 Vodka. With this step up from the original O2 Sparkling Vodka to the O2 945 Vodka, I have a good feeling that whatever subsequent releases from IED will be of the same high quality.
I would forecast a branching off into sparkling iterations of other types of alcohol – gin and rum would be two types of alcohol that would be amenable to the “sparkling†process – in the years to come. If you have around $40-45 to spend on a bottle of vodka, make the O2 945 Vodka your first choice; among all other super-premium vodkas, it stands alone in providing a strong taste, a great mouth feel, and an easy miscibility with any other mixer or flavored liquor that one could conceivably throw at it. While there is definitely still a purpose for the original O2 Sparkling Vodka, I honestly feel that the O2 945 Vodka will fit in just as well to any situation, if not better, than the original offering. Make it a point to conduct your own personal taste test and see if my assertions are accurate; I feel that they will be.
Rating: 9.7/10
O2 945 Vodka / 2008 International English Distillers / 94 Proof / /