Posted on: July 11, 2010 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 5

Q:What’s your story? How’d you fall into music?

Well, my parents tell me that I used to sing way back when I was three years old. The farthest back I can remember is singing in the talent show in first grade. Everyone always told me that I had a beautiful voice; it makes other people happy, I love doing it, and it’s really my passion.

Q:Who are you listening to right now?

I’d say I’m listening to any artist who is popular right now. I like all genres of music though, pretty much any music is okay with me.

Q:What things – music, art, or other cultural factors – do you think will be big in the next year?

In the next year, I think the type of music that’s popular now will still be everyone’s favorite. I’m not that into art so I don’t know.

Q: How do you think music has changed in the years since you started actively listening to it?

It’s like, more people like rap and pop than they used to. But I’m okay with that because I like those too.

Q:What are you looking to accomplish when you create music, and how does the music relate to the artistic side of things?

When I create music, I am looking to make connections with people and to express the way I’m feeling with a song.

Q: In a related fashion, how has Kounterfeit helped you?

Kounterfeit has helped me to get my musical career started and has given me experience in recording.

Q: Is there a real-life story behind “Blameless”, or does it represent something that everyone can understand?

I think it’s a little bit of both. The real-life story behind it is that…well I am thirteen so I do deal with a lot of drama and back-stabbing and what not. And I think everyone has an experience where they can relate to this song.

Q:How have you gotten more of your fans – Myspace or traditional word of mouth? Have you noticed anything different between these types of fans?

I would say word of mouth because everyone in Virginia that knows about it either knows because I told them, or someone else has told them.

Q: Who is out there right now in music that you would like to collaborate with?

Honestly, I think it would be awesome to work with anyone in music. It would be a great experience no matter who it was.
Q:How should people find your music? Are there any other releases coming out that they should look into buying?

They can go on any of the websites that I’m on to find me, and me and my dad are planning to record an album this summer.

Q:What else should we know ?

My music video is on youtube, myspace,, and other websites.

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  1. We found a cure for Beiber Fever everyone!! its Bryanna Rain!! Keep up the good work.. your video is awesome!!

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