Posted on: June 20, 2011 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

The Accel Recovery Bar is integral for anyone that is looking for a healthy snack, recovery after a workout, or for a way to easily increase their health. There are three different types of carbohydrates that will restore fuel to the muscles, while there are a few amino acids present that will allow for muscles to be built up faster and bigger than before. Finally, the presence of anitioxidants in the Accel Recovery Bar will ensure that there is no additional muscle damage after a hard workout. Very few of these bars, be they protein or overall health, are really able to have such a versatility.

The chocolate peanut butter taste seems to be a slam-dunk for companies but is never done right. Where Pacific Health Labs has done right in regards to the taste is that the different components of the flavor profile – -Chocolate and Peanut Butter – can both be tasted. I hope that more individuals are able to try the Accel Recovery Bar and give Pacific Health the motivation to create a number of additional flavors. Regardless, I will have a box of these bars in my office and house for those times when I need to properly supplement.

Rating: 8.5/10

Accel Recovery Bar /

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