I feel that a great number of the microbreweries that are currently in operation make beer that is ultimately forgettable. However, there are a few intrepid breweries that are able to push forward and create unique beers that should be checked out. Yards Brewing Company has done just that in their Philadelphia Pale Ale. There is a nuanced taste to the beer that will be tremendously compelling to those that are not typically fans of the Pale Ale style; the different fruit notes that are present in the beer moderate the hop bite in a good form.
No matter where an individual is at in a bottle of the Philadelphia Pale Ale, there is a refreshing quality to the beer that works admirably as a palette-cleanser. What results in the Philadelphia Pale Ale is a beer that should replace any “working” beer (Bud, Coors) in terms of what one can sit back, have a few of, and just relax. The much more flavorful style of the Philadelphia Pale Ale will make drinking something that one can appreciate, rather than just being a way to get messed up. If you find yourself in a place that has any Yards efforts, make it a point to pick them up.
Their brilliant work in creating new and fresh tastes while touching upon currents and styles that are time tested are precisely why the brewery is at the top of its game. Check them out today.
Rating: 9.0/10
Philadelphia Pale Ale (4.6% ABV) / Yards Brewing Company / http://www.yardsbrewing.com/