Posted on: October 10, 2011 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

World of Warcraft is a title that requires an individual to be on the game, and this is especially true when one moves towards endgame raiding. While there are different keyboard macros that can be set up, players still have to the bulk of their turning and some of their casting with their mouse. Ensuring that there is the highest possible definition and design to a mouse, SteelSeries has created a peripheral that should be a must-buy for anyone that is looking to increase their World of Warcraft skill.

The SteelSeries World of Warcraft MMO Gaming Mouse: Legendary Edition is designed size-wise for the widest possible array of players, while there is a full complement of buttons (11) that will allow players to bind a considerable amount of skills, spells, heals, and other attacks. The graphic design on the mouse will provide it with the legendary tag (looking like Thunderfury), while the software will allow players to fully customize the mouse to their specs. I believe that the macro interface is immediately learnable and will be something that can be utilized to an individual’s desires just after a few seconds of familiarization.
With the next patch coming up sooner rather than later, the SteelSeries World of Warcraft MMO Gaming Mouse: Legendary Edition is the next product that any World of Warcraft player should pick up. SteelSeries has given players the best possible tool that they could have outside of botting programs; be ready to see one’s DPS, HPS, and any other relevant stat increase after installing the mouse.
Check the SteelSeries World of Warcraft MMO Gaming Mouse: Legendary Edition and other SteelSeries products out at the site linked above.

Rating: 9.1/10

SteelSeries World of Warcraft MMO Gaming Mouse: Legendary Edition (Mouse) / SteelSeries /

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