Posted on: December 15, 2011 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Fossil Fighters – Champions is the sequel to 2009’s Fossil Fighters title. After two years, I feel that Nintendo has ironed out the small problems that were present in the original title and have provides players with more than enough changes in game play, style, art direction, and even sound to keep them firmly affixed on their chair for hours to come. For those that have not played Fossil Fighters yet, imagine a group of archaeologists that can battle what they find in the dirt. With different fossils possessing different abilities, each battle forces players to implement a different set of strategies.

By these varied strategies, Nintendo has bolstered the replay value of the game considerably. The inclusion of gold fossils, which allow players to provide their vivosaurs with previously unheard-of powers, will make players that much more powerful. The ability to download a variety of other vivosaurs as well as to upload their own team for trials ensure that players will keep playing until they have made the best possible grouping. The 4-player co-op mode decreases this sort of intensity, but more troubles may break out if a gold fossil is discovered.

Whether against the A.I. or one’s friends, Fossil Fighters – Champions is a title that will have players sink some serious time into. The distinctive art style is beautiful without seeming hackneyed or otherwise seen before. Here’s to hoping that Nintendo can continue to release games in the Fossil Fighters series, as well as imbue those vivosaurs with differing and otherwise impressive skills. I know I am currently working on my team, to have the best possible chance of success.

Rating: 8.6/10

Fossil Fighters – Champions (Nintendo DS) / 2011 Nintendo /

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