Posted on: March 18, 2012 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

There are a number of yearly titles that are released in the sports fields. In all honesty, it is hard to typically tell what the differences in these titles are from year to year, unless I have the press release in front of me. Sony is one of the few companies that break from this trend, and MLB 12: The Show continues this strong commitment to quality.

The Vita version of the title is scaled down, but does not feel to be a completely different title from the PS3 release. I personally liked the multiplayer aspect of the title, which allows up to four different players to suit up. The ability to switch game saves between the Vita and PS3 versions of MLB 12 is a godsend, allowing players to continue with their current season or franchise no matter which console they can get onto. For those of us with a job or those that cannot be hogging up the family TV, this is a great feature.

The PS3 edition of MLB 12 is visually amazing; no less than two staffers walked by and inquired whether the baseball season had started. With the realism imparted in pitching, fielding, and batting, I can definitively say that it has. When one considers that there is a real-time professionality to the in-game broadcast, one can be assured that Sony has put their all into ensuring that this game represents a step beyond anything that they have previously released. I would say to plunk down the extra cash for the Vita version of the title for the aforementioned mobile ability. One (for a limited time) can actually save up to $20 when they purchase both versions of the game. Check these releases out today.

Rating: 9.5/10

MLB 12: The Show (PS3 / Vita) / 2012 Sony /

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