This is a complex doppelbock, and Grand Canyon Brewing has ensured that individuals are interested from the first sip to the end of each 22 ounce bomber. Shaggy Bock builds off of a lager base and utilizes a variety of malts to provide a dark and rich flavor profile. The beer comes with a widget that contains a piece of toasted oak to drastically increase the woody and smoky elements that one will experience.
Shaggy Bock pours with a dark brown to mahogany coloration and a small amount of off-white to light brown head that gradually laces its way down the bottle. There are hints of coffee, chocolate, whiskey, vanilla, and malt that come forth variously as one continues their Shaggy Bock. A slight spicy thread can be discerned through the beer, a presence that amplifies the alcohol presence to make for a more balanced effort. The intricacies of Shaggy Bock become more pronounced as the beer continues to warm; a sweeter set of flavors become commonplace after one hits the halfway mark of the Bock. The formidable body of Shaggy Bock means that one will be greeted with a tenacious set of flavors no matter where they find themselves in the bomber (or a glass; Shaggy Bock is also available in kegs).
Make it a point to visit the Grand Canyon website for more information about their year-round and seasonal offerings. If you are in the American southwest, make it down to Cruisers Cafe 66 in Williams, AZ where all of the Grand Canyon in-season offerings are available.
Rating: 8.4/10
Shaggy Bock / Grand Canyon Brewing / 6.75% ABV /