Re-minders is a very interesting zine that hails from San Francisco, CA and is created by Rani Goel. I had the pleasure of finding her on the website We Make Zines (http://wemakezines.ning.com). We Make Zines online community for zine makers and readers.
Some pages have collage style artworks that include what appears to be stampings, hand-drawn pictures and text. The text is usually a simple statement that compliments the artwork and causes you to stop and reflect for a moment. Other pages have longer, typed poems complimented by artwork.
Recurring themes are being happy with enough, letting go of greed, and healing. This zine leaves you feeling peaceful and reflective. Highly recommended for anyone who enjoyed the book Be Here Now by Ram Dass.
Rating: 9/10
Re-minders #5 / 28 pages /$3.00 or open to trade/ http://ranigoel.com/