The beer pours with a dark brown coloration and a good amount of tannish head that laces its way down the glass. The nose of Porter Culture is slightly sweet with a hint of roasted malt, providing imbibers with an alluring introduction to the brew. The initial sip is a hint boozy with a silken smoothness that would not be out of place in a nut brown ale, while the beer takes on a variety of distinct flavors the further that one gets into a glass.
Porter Culture is a fulfilling beer that possesses enough in the way of complexity that individuals could easy polish off two or three cans and not receive the entire array of flavors that lurk underneath the surface. The dichotomy of hop and sweet that plays through Porter Culture allows imbibers to have diametrically opposed sides stand out and play nicely together. The hop taste that remains after each sip of the beer is enough to allow for one’s palette to be refreshed for subsequent quaffs. Fans of porters will easily lap this up, while the bitter side of things can easily be appreciate by those more into hop-heavy products.
For additional information about the full panoply of efforts that Hops & Grain offer, visit the company’s domain. Their Facebook and Twitter accounts are updated regularly with information about their tap room, new product offerings, and tap take-overs.
Rating: 9.2/10
Porter Culture / Hops & Grain / 6.56% ABV / http://www.hopsandgrain.com /