Posted on: December 20, 2012 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Stillness: A Collection is an absolutely stellar collection that allows individuals to be sent away on a dreamy and austere journey through the minds of some of the greatest current composers on the scene. More importantly, this CD allows listeners to find tracks and performers that they like, so that they may purchase other releases from their discographies. We have reviewed a few tracks on Stillness: A Collection in previous coverage, but the deft arrangements of these tracks provide a considerably context than would normally be had.

Stillness: A Collection begins with Rajendra Teredesai’s Essence of Light; the track is a microcosm of styles and influences, all couched in a very solemn and reflective work. The six-plus minute run time would typically be on the long side for an introductory composition, but Teredesai keeps listeners interested through a very personal arrangement. Calling Wisdom (Karunesh) and Enchanted Forest (Kenio Fuke) possess a tremendous synergy. Karunesh has more of a contemporary, world-weary starkness that is diametrically opposed by the earthy, loamy feel of Fuke’s effort.

Teach Me to Whisper (Liquid Mind) sets off the wide expanses of the final third of Stillness: A Collection. Taken alongside Frank Steiner, Jr.’s Sparks of Love, Teach Me to Whisper will have listeners deep in introspective. Teredesai’s closing effort, Mystery of the Eternal, is the perfect bit of clarity to conclude this release. Compilations are typically nothing to write home about, but Real Music has breathed new life into a great many of their most memorable musicians and compositions. Make sure to pick up a copy of this disc today.

Top Tracks: Enchanted Forest by Kenio Fuke, Wings of Sounds by Peter Kater

Rating: 9.2/10

61FA8kEeinL._SL500_AA300_ (CD) / 2012 Real Music / 10 Tracks /

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