Posted on: November 11, 2008 Posted by: anfnewsacct Comments: 0

The Orchard is the full length debut from Fire On Fire on Young God Records. Their debut was a five song EP on Young God released at the end of last year to overwhelming critical acclaim. Fire On Fire used to be the art-punk-prog-chaos collective Cerberus Shoal, but they ditched their electric instruments, went into hiding for a while, and now play all acoustic-stand up bass, mandolin, banjo, harmonium, accordion, acoustic guitar, dobro etc etc, and they all sing and harmonize on the songs.

Live, they do it “old school” and just use two mics placed in front of them on the stage, like a bluegrass band. They all live in the same house up in Maine, across from rusting green oil tanks, apparently. To label owner Michael Gira they sound like “a backwoods, fierce, psychedelic Mamas And The Papas or a crazed and joyously vengeful gospel string band.” It’s all acoustic, but it’s not in the least folky. More “old-timey” incantations – American music with excellent words and performed with the honed violence of intent that truly great music requires.

Fire on Fire BIO by Fire On Fire: Fire on Fire began without a name in a warm kitchen in Maine. Some of us used to be in Cerberus Shoal. We were three friends whose musical interests grew outward from the punk roots of our youth to a more personal intimate exchange and we began playing songs for each other. Songs on guitars banjos and harmonium with lots of words and voices. The music was living, open and it invited everyone to take part in it. The circle widened to include two more friends who brought rhythm melody and more voices and songs. Fire on Fire is now five friends who play fierce and emotionally sharp words to stab at our selves, our situations, our lives. Our music comes from the heart of each singer and songwriter. Take that statement how you like. Each one of us brings themselves to the common table without self consciousness. Playing for the enjoyment of playing and in turn creating a live performance that is electric and ecstatic foot stomping and howling all the night long. All five friends live together in a big blue house across from green oil tank # 28 in South Portland, Maine.

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