Posted on: November 8, 2008 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

After talking to my friend, Denny (from Supreme Nothing), this zine was recommended by eir after I had picked it up at AMC 2003. You Idiot is done by Nate (from Pick Your Poison), and seems to be a mix between Alco-Beat and Get the Strap. Discussing a slew of video games, including those with moralizing messages like NARC and Wally Bear and the No Gang, Nate continues to pound eir’s reader with a spot-on sense of humour. Moving onto religious video games, You Idiot dictates the history of Color Dreams/Wisdom Tree, which came from the ranks of secular game producers to slightly modify each of their games to pander to a Christian audience that “number about 9000 at any given time, and they all wanted to have our games. That’s even more stores than Toys R Us.” Moving on, and still focusing on fundamentalist Christianity, Nate tackles anti-Rock pamphlets in “Satan Lurks Within Journey Albums”, making sure to take a number of examples from “Why Knock Rock?”. All and all, You Idiot reads well, not too fast and not too slow, and Nate writes in a style that uses a laid-back feel. You Idiot is definitely a zine to check out.

Rating : 7.9/10

You Idiot #1 / Half-Sized / 28 Pages / $1 / Nate Gangelhoff, PO Box 8995, Minneapolis, MN 55408 / [email protected] / Reviewed 09 December 2003

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