Posted on: January 13, 2009 Posted by: anfnewsacct Comments: 0

Another zine randomly received somehow, OHNO!THEROBOT is the brainchild of Chrix Morix. This Canadian showcases the fact that, beyond the kilometer/mile difference, that there is little distinguishing Americans from Canadians. This zine showcases Chris’ life, without assuming that an individual has had any familiarity with OHNO!THEROBOT before receiving this issue. Hitchhiking, moustaches, and relationships are what Chris focuses on most heavily during this issue. Despite the fact that the issue is only 16 pages, Chris places more than enough in the way of narrative and storylines in this issue, ensuring that one spends a decent amount of time going through OHNO!THEROBOT.

Of particular note during this issue has to be “The Uneasiness Following Debauchery”, which shows Chrix’ love of a good hangover. I’ve personally not met anyone that seems to relish the hangover (and what follows) like Chrix, but the logic and reasoning makes sense and the use of narrative provides more than enough justification for his belief. The few illustrations that are present during this issue are simple but seem to match up with the stories well; I’d personally like to see an issue of OHNO!THEROBOT done in pure comic book style, if Chrix could be the individual behind writing the stories. Check out this zine if you like personal narratives and stories that span not only the U.S.-Canada border, but through all of human experience.
Rating: 8.4/10

OHNO!THEROBOT #10 / $2 / 16M / :15 / [email protected] /

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