Posted on: April 22, 2011 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Daniel Mckenzie and Jon Fee of the bass-driven and melodic indie pop/noise rock outfit The Rum Diary, veteran studio/touring drummer Jake Krohn, and Remco Vanderheide (a Dutch transplant with bluegrass roots and a penchant for blowing amps) is Shuteye Unison. They call San Francisco home and share an affinity for good songwriting and post-rock that pushes experimentation almost to the point of self-indulgence.

Their sophomore effort, Our Future Selves, was based on one guiding principle carved into the wall of their practices space: “Sexability Above All”. The band was determined to create a record that transcended their first yet was much more physical. Our Future Selves serves up sweet indie pop gems and the sort of sprawling, atmospheric rock you can temporarily lose yourself in. The bass lines and tight rhythms ebb-and-flow and around each corner you are baited by a catchy lyric or guitar hook. And much like Shuteye Unison’s debut this album beckons (and rewards) repeated spins.

Our Future Selves is an album that book-ends a wide range of influences, from the classic John Hughes movie soundtracks to the organic post-punk grooves found on a Fugazi album.

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