Posted on: June 20, 2011 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Iron Maiden has been one of my favorite metal bands for a long time now. The first concert that I ever attended was an Iron Maiden show, and a great number of the tracks contained on “From Fear to Eternity” are their strongest cuts. This 23 track greatest hits compilation could easy have another two or three discs added without any decrease in quality, but Universal has done a tremendous job in picking only the best types of tracks.
Furthermore, there is a narrative that is weaved through these tracks that showcases different elements of the band. While the bass work on “No More Lies” is utterly eye-popping, “Afraid To Shoot Strangers” showcases a unity to the band that cannot be denied.

Without the disc being a SACD, I feel that the cuts on “From Fear to Eternity” seem to be cleaned up and some of the sharpest I have ever heard from Iron Maiden. If you want to introduce someone to Iron Maiden’s work or just want a great mix to throw on during a workout or other exercise, make it a point to pick up “From Fear to Eternity”. Fans that already have the whole Iron Maiden collection will not have too much reason to pick this up, but my point about the sharpness of the recordings should be taken into consideration.

Top Tracks: Be Quick or Be Dead, Fear of the Dark

Rating: 9.3/10

Iron Maiden – From Fear to Eternity: The Best of 1990-2010 (2 CD) / 2011 Universal / 23 Tracks /

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