Posted on: June 20, 2011 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Next friday, June 24th, the Ultimate Death Metal Compilation – RESURRECTED IN FESTERING SLIME will be available.

This unique compilation album was originally released a few years back only on vinyl. It was rapidly sold out. Now it is available again in extremelly limited run of 800 copies world wide ONLY! It features revamped artwork as well as some of the tracks’ versions included on the CD differ from the vinyl version.

Tight booklet and sophisticated look make this album a treasure for every Death Metal fan.

RESURRECTED IN FESTERING SLIME “The Ultimate Death Metal Compilation”

Available formats:

– Limited to 800 copies exclusive CD w/ tight booklet & linear notes


The Truly Sinister Death Metal Compilation featuring the new wave of Swedish Death Metal: Tormented, Darkcreed, Stench, Mr Death, Maim, Bombs Of Hades, Morbus Chron, Crucifyre and more. 16 exclusive and / or rare tracks compiled on a limited CD with exclusive and extensive artwork & layout by Necromantic Art (Tribulation, Stench, etc.). 12 page booklet with rare footage and linear notes.

Selling points:

* Limited edition noble CD
* Featuring 16 exclusive and / or rare tracks from 16 Swedish Death Metal bands
* Exclusive artwork & layout by Necromantic Art. (Tribulation, Stench, etc.)
* Resurrected In Festering Slime has been previously released only as a limited vinyl by Soulseller Records which was rapidly sold out.

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