Posted on: July 8, 2011 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

I come from a period in which headphones had to be large to be good in quality. We received the new headphones from Bang Olufsen, the Earset 3i, for review a few days ago and I was a little skeptical. However, these headphones have a tremendous amount of functionality and should be seen as must-buy for anyone that is in the market for a new pair.

There are a number of reasons why the Earset 3i headphones are head and shoulders above similar products on the market. The Earset 3i contain a microphone that produces stunningly clear tone and does not fuzz or otherwise drop out. The audio presented through the headphones is perfect no matter what an individual does with it – this means that music sounds clearer, ventrilo can be heard better, and individuals can even conduct important business calls.

What was most surprising about the Earset 3i had to be how well the product was crafted. While it always feels as if I am about ready to destroy headphones, there is a sturdiness to the Earset 3i that ensures that they can take a beating and continue to work.

Where there is a tendency for good headphones to shut off an individual from the outside world, there is a much more functional sense to the Earset 3i. This means that one can easily tune out any distractions that may be present, but that it is fairly easy to get the attention of anyone that may have them on. Whether one is using the Earset 3i for gaming, working out, or as a hands-free headset, the product does wonderfully. With such versatility, there is a place in your house for the Earset 3i, no matter what you may do with them.

Rating: 9.7/10

Bang Olufsen Earset 3i (Headphones / Headset) /

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