Since we have started the beer reviews section at NeuFutur. I feel that our love for the stuff has drastically decreased. This is likely due to the fact that a great number of breweries create efforts that are not too terribly offensive. However, we have received a beer in the 21st Amendment Brewing’s Monk’s Blood that really recreates our love for the stuff.
This beer comes out of the can extremely dark, with a coloration that provides the beer with its name. There is little lacing present; the head pours with a much darker color than many. I believe that the softly-stated top of the beer shows that all the bells and whistles usually associated with beers have been placed into the flavor profile. What is perhaps most surprising about Monk’s Blood has to be the taste given its 8.3% alcohol by volume; there are hints of fruit alongside vanilla and other spices. Monk’s Blood’s flavor changes slightly dependent on whether individuals drink it at room temperature or cold.
I personally felt that many of the flavors that come out when the beer has been chilled are muted at a warmer temperature, while being at room temperature leads to a more nuanced experience. The Monk’s Blood does a great job in ramping up the alcohol content, keeping heavy flavors down, while providing imbibers with something that is considerably different from what the vast number of other independent breweries are currently doing. Look for the Monk’s Blood at your local beer store; the 4-pack will run about $10 and should be seen as worth every penny. Simply put, this is perhaps the best beer that we have had so far in 2011.
Rating: 9.3/10
Monk’s Blood (Beer) / 21st Amendment Brewing /
A person who drinks in moderation is less likely to need alcohol addiction help in the future than one who drinks excessively.