Posted on: December 23, 2011 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

There are a tremendous amount of different protein bars that are on the market, and all of them seem to cater to different groups. The Pro Drive Sports Bar is one of the few that we have reviewed that will help all athletes and those interested in dieting equally. For those that want to ensure lean muscle growth, the Pro Drive Sports Bar provides a solid amount of protein (16 grams) that will ensure that muscle mass is not catabolized.

The texture of the bar itself makes it easy to finish a bar, while the taste will have individuals coming back for more. The 1.76 ounce size of the bar places it more in line with a candy bar, rather than approaching the behemoth size of other protein bars on the market. As one can expect, the Pro Drive Sports Bar is much healthier as a result. The total fat for the bar is under 10% of one’s recommended daily value, while there are significant amounts of Calcium (4%) and Iron (10%) to further boost health.

We liked the Crunchy Peanut Butter Fudge flavor, which did not veer too far in the flavor profile of other element. This tasty bar should find its way in the gym bags, purses, and backpacks of anyone that would be interested in overall health or in sports nutrition in general. I know that the NeuFutur Headquarters will be stocked with these bad boys in the months to come.

Rating: 8.5/10

Pro Drive Sports Bar – Crunchy Peanut Butter Fudge (Protein Bar) / 16 Grams, Protein /

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